London Pride (Experienced)

This workshop is specifically designed to explore 'street photography' with a purpose. Each participant will have chosen, through research a specific aspect of London Pride. Your chosen will have been reached through research and your interests in 'London Pride' which can be as varied as; diversity, inclusivity, gender, portraiture and fashion or whatever you wish to explore from your perspective.

A 50% payment must be made via PayPal to book your place

Digital Photography: Documentary: Street photography.

Digital Photography: Documentary: Street Portraiture.


By the conclusion of this workshop you will have covered and have an understanding, within the time allocated of the following at an advanced level:

  • An advanced understanding of street and location Photography;
  • Analogue camera techniques;
  • Darkroom techniques and procedures;
  • Mixing chemicals;
  • Manually developing film;
  • Contact sheet printing;
  • Assessing and editing from the contact sheets;
  • Proof printing on resin coated paper.


The  weekend workshops we will cover:

  • Advanced analogue camera techniques;
  • Subject;
  • Content;
  • Composition;
  • Location (you will be advised and partly accompanied);
  • How to develop 35mm or 120mm roll (if applicable) Black and White film;
  • Printing Contact sheets;
  • Printing Resin Coated proof printing.


Friday from 6- 9pm

6-00pm arrival and introductions.

Illustrated lecture and discussion on ideas and the locations we will be visiting on Saturday. This will stimulate and help you seek and approach subjects that you might not have considered.

Ben is training at the Metanoia to qualify as a psychotherapist and works as a volunteer with the LGBTQ+ and specifically with the trans community.  

6-30pm Light supper in our local Italian. (not provided)  

There will also be advice on advanced techniques that enable you to produce images that will be technically competent. i.e use of filters.

Saturday  10-00-4-00pm


Travel to central London location with film and cameras.

Explore locations and take photographs.

1-00pm Lunch (not provided)


Continue shooting in accessible locations.

Sunday 10-00am- 4-00pm.

10-00am -1-00pm

Film Developing and contact  printing

1-00-2-00pm Lunch in our local gourmet coffee restaurant. (not provided) 


Proof printing assessment feedback, Tea and departure.

Book your place

Workshop code: 003


5th-7th June 2021


2 days




2 places available



A 50% payment must be made via PayPal to book your place


If you have any queries about this workshop, please speak to Ben.

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